Choosing your Origami Customs gaff
This guide is only applicable to Origami Customs gaffs.
Whether it’s your first or 100th time buying a gaff, it’s important to remember, not all of our gaff styles will fit every body. Gaffs are technical garments that fit best when body shape is taken into consideration (remember, these are just suggestions- you are welcome to purchase any style you like!)
There are two different things to know about your body before making a choice: “How round is your bum?” and “What shape are your hips?” We know there are just as many different hip and bum shapes as beautiful people in the universe. But to make it a little simpler, we’ve organized it with three general bum shapes (very round, slightly round, not round) and three general hip shapes (triangle, rectangle, inverted triangle).
Wouldn't Recommend: hipster, boyshort, cheeky boyshort
Wouldn't Recommend: cheeky
Wouldn't Recommend: hipster
Wouldn't Recommend: hipster
Wouldn't Recommend: cheeky
Wouldn't Recommend: cheeky boyshort
Wouldn't Recommend: hipster, boyshort
Best Fit: hipster, thong
Wouldn't Recommend: boyshort